Paul Ntshabele Chairperson of the Dr Sam Motsuenyane Rural Development Foundation, Ambassador of Brazil in South Africa His Excellency Nedilson Jorge, Ms Ntomi Matjene mentee of the late Dr Richard Maponya from the Winterveldt Farming Community, Mr Bruno Neves Counsellor Head of The Trade & Investment Section Embassy of Brazil in Pretoria, Mr Flavio Campestrin Bettarello Vice Minister for Trade and International Relations, Lucas Ndala Trustee of the Dr Sam Motsuenyane Rural Development Foundation, Jesulindo Nery De Souza Junior Agricultural Attache Embassy of Brazil in Pretoria and Mr Giovanni Coelho from Brazil.
Ambassador of Brazil in South Africa His Excellency Nedilson Jorge hosted a lunch at his residency in Waterkloof to discuss rural development and agricultural, ways to forge more corporation and business between Brazil and South Africa.